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Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1


The Committee appointed to make a visit to the Indians on Long Island made the following report viz We, of the Committee appointed to make a visit to the Indian Natives on the Eastern part of Long Island report That in pursuing the object of our appointment we found but two settlements that appeared to claim out attention, which was more particularly directed to the situation of the Montauk Tribe on the Eastern extremity of the Island into which we have made careful inspection; we found them compasing a settlement of about seventeen houses &; wigwams &; numbering about Eighty five individuals, of whom a considerable part is absent; amongst those who remain is a number of ancient widows whose situation excited our sympathy This Tribe have the occupancy during the season of tillage of a very fertile tract of land of about a Thousand Acres, which they improve to less advantage than we could desire being too generally indolent, averse to applying themselves to husbandry &; much addicted to the use of ardent Spirits; a number of their young men are engaged in fishing &; whaling &; a considerable proportion of their youth placed out in the neighbouring town of East