The subject of procuring a suitable friend &; his family to reside with the Oneida Tribe engaged the consideration of the Committee, &; being informed that Absalom Hatfield of Queemans was willing to go &; reside amongst them with his family as a farmer &; Barnabas Hicks of the same place a Teacher; John Murray, Willet Hicks, &; Thomas Willis are appointed to confer &; make an agreement with them, if the way should open therefor The Committee being informed by the friends who lately made a visit to the Montauk tribe of Indians, that application has been made by them for some School &; other Books &; some window Glass for their School House; Robert Bowne &; Thomas Willis are appointed to call the Treasurer for the sum of Twenty to Thirty Dollars as they may judge proper, apply it to the purchase of these articles &; forward them to the Tribe At a Meeting of the Committee on the Indian Concern held in New York13th of 2 mo 1809 Present 15 members The Committee appointed to procure some Books for