To the Committee on the Concern relative to the Indians We of the Sub Committee appointed to pay a visit to the Indians, have proceeded on that appointment report. That we first visited those at Brothertown &; called to see a number of them in their huts &; houses, some of which were very comfortable &; showed the effects of industry &; sobriety; others &; by much the largest proportion are still habituated to intemperance &; neglect the improvement of their land; there are in this settlement twelve framed houses &; ten barns &; the number of inhabitants about three hundred, including men, women &; children Being several days at John Dean's, we had an opportunity of discovering their situation &; qualifications for usefulness among this people, which produced a conviction on our minds that they are an acquisition to them &; the Indians appear very generally to consider them in the most favorable point of view. It is with much satisfaction that we have it in our power to state that the Superintendants place the fullest