welfare as way opened for, may state to the Yearly Meeting, that as usual an appointment was made to pay a visit to such of the Tribes as are more immediately under the care of the Committee consisting of the Brothertown, Stockbridge, Oneidas, &; Onondagoes, from their report and other information we have derived some agreeable and encouraging accounts respecting the progress of part of those Tribes, both with respect to their labor on the land, and increased care to guard against the intemperate use of Spirituous Liquors. Our friend Abraham Hatfield continues at Oneida, in speaking of that Tribe he observes that there is great encouragement respecting this nation as to Agriculture, the most of them appeared to be industrious &; willing to take Friends' advice, that he thought they had bread plenty for their families use, and that in respect to the use of ardent Spirits there appeared to be an improvement The information received