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Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1


wheels, flax &; a loom to be purchased, and several of their young women have already made considerable progress in learning to spin and knit; they appear much pleased with this additional care of Friends To instruct them in these branches, the Committee conceive to be very important, as it is reasonable to believe, that as the women advance in this kind of industry, and contribute so much to the comfort of their families, their influence with the men will be increased, their condition ameliorated, and they relieved from out door work; and that the men will be encouraged to attend more readily to agricultural pursuits The Committee have been desirous of engaging a suitable friend to reside at Oneida in addition to the friends who are now there in order to instruct the Indians in agriculture, but have not as yet been able to procure one. Several of the Tribes have been visited by Committees appointed for that purpose at Stockbridge they do not appear