of the Stockbridge Women in spinning &; the Committee are disposed to give them further aid therein, it is concluded that Joseph Frost &; John Dean be requested to procure such quantity of raw materials for that purpose as they may judge expedient, including flax wool &; a number of additional spinning wheels; &; also to extend similar assistance to the Oneidas &; Onondagoes if they should deem it proper Adjourned to 6'o'clock tomorrow evening 8th of the Month The Committee met It appearing from the report of the Committee who had visited the Indians that Absalom Hatfield's bodily indisposition had increased, so as very much to diminish his usefulness to the Indians, the Committee on taking the subject into consideration, apprehended that the design of Absalom &; Ruth's being placed at Oneida would not likely be answered by their continuing there much longer under present circumstances: