The Friends to whom was referred the narrative of the proceedings of this Committee to be sent to England, reported the Essay amended, which being read, was approved; and the Clerk was directed to transcribe &; sign it on behalf of this Committee, &; forward it to the Clerk of the Meeting for Sufferings in London The narrative is as follows Some account of the progress of Friends of the Yearly Meeting of New York, in their concern for the welfare and civilization of the Indians residency on the frontiers of the State. It appears that individual members of the Society had occasionally extended advice &; assistance to the Aborigins of our Country; and that in the year 1795, the subject of promoting their welfare &; civilization obtained the attention of the Yearly Meeting, when a Committee was appointed to unite with the Meeting for Sufferings in the further consideration of the subject; which resulted in selecting some of their number to visit the Indians in order to obtain such knowledge of their circumstances and situation as might enable them to decide on the steps proper to be taken to carry into effect