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Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1


We had a prospect of preceeding from the place to visit the Onondagoes, a Tribe resident about 35 miles further west; this prospect however we relinquished on learning that they were the most uncivilized of any of the Six Nations, and lived in habitual intoxication; and that they were generally at that time in a state of drunkenness, having recently received their annuity from the Government, which had induced white Traders to carry Spirituous Liquors amongst them; but as there were a few sober sensible men in the Tribe, we sent an address to Capt John, one of their Cheifs expressive of the nature of the Societys concern and our solicitude for their welfare. We had often to lament the strong attachment of the Indians to Spirituous Liquors which is the principal obstacle to their civilization and agricultural improvement, and we consider it of the utmost importance to prevent by every possible means the introduction of this article amongst them. And it is our decided opinion that it would tend greatly to their advantage could they be prevailed on to have farms allotted to each family, in order that they may have some idea of separate property, which would be likely to produce habits of industry, and induce them more generally to till the ground for their support. The Yearly Meeting on being possessed