considerable exertions for their benefit the friends of Pennsylvania found it expedient to withdraw their care and attention; the Oneidas afterwards expressed renewed desires for Friends' assistance, and as they were more immediately in our neighbourhood, and the Friends of Pennsylvania had extended their care to several more remote Western Tribes, it appeared proper that we should inspect into their situation. The Oneida Tribe afterwards formed themselves into two parties and made a division of their land; one was called the Christian Party, in consequence of their having attached themselves to a Missionary who had for a long time resided in the Tribe, and the other was called the Pagan Party; and as there appeared to be the greatest probability of our being useful to the latter, from their being particularly desirous of our assistance, a family of Friends was placed there whose counsel and attention have been very useful to the Indians A School for the instruction of their Youth was some time since opened and latterly extended to promote the improvement of their females in spinning; the Oneidas have become much interested in the cultivation of their land, and their improvements in husbandry, and increasingly sober habits have given peculiar satisfaction. The Committee have recently felt much interested for the Onondagoe Tribe, who having for some years past relinquished the use of ardent spirits,