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Reports of the Indian Committee to New York Yearly Meeting, 1795-1806


New York A report from the Comm.ee on Indian affairs is now read asolid quiet took place thereon and arenewed sympathy felt for that People and the further consideration thereof is refer’d to afuture seling the report is as follows viz To the Yearly Meeting now seting The comm.ee appointed last year of Indian affairs now report that we have had in the course of the year past divers Meetings on the weighty subject refer’d to us and have at times been drawn into sympathy with the peculeir situation of the Natives and while deliberating on the best means that might be adopted for promoting their welfare if appear’d to the Comm.ee that there would be aprobable usefulness in selecting some of our number to pay them avissit and some Friends were accordingly named for their purpose but circumstances which afterwards took place presented them from proceeding on the journey and soon after this the advanced season of the year rendered it very difficult to proceed so that avissit has not taken place – It would have afforded satisfaction to us if we could have possess’d the Yearly Meetg with more full information of the State of the Indians which mights probably have been done if the intended vissit had been made We can only now say that from some information obtained anumber of the Indians have lately shewn agreater disposition towards sobriety of conduct and agricultural improvement that heretofore – And altho’ asufficient attraction to this interesting concern will probably require patience and perseverance yet under right direction we are induced to believe it will lend to the benefit and advantages of the Indians Signed by direction &; on behalf of the Comm.ee 5 mo 30. 1797New York by Samuel Bowne