New York The Committee on the concern of this Meeting relative to divers Tribes of Indians, furnish us with areport on that subject, which was read, and is as follows - viz. To the Yearly Meeting - The Committee on the concern of this Meeting relative to the Indian Natives Report - That during the last year we have had several conferences together, and have felt our minds engaged in sympathy with, and earnest desires for the promotion of the civil &; religious welfare of that People, so as to engage the attention of several of our number, who have visited them, and from the report received from them, there appears an openness to receive the advice and council of friends - And altho the use of spirituous Liquors continues to retard their improvement, yet we have reason to believe that anumber of them are guarded in that respect, and we think they progress in the Arts of civilized life - They give us apleasing account of one School being taught by an Indian at Stockbridge, and another School House erecting at the same place - The School at Brotherton is kept up, and another School House in erecting - we are encourag'd to believe, the care and attention of friends have been useful to them - Subscrptions for raising money, agreeable to the directionof the Yearly Meeting, has been forwarded to friends in the several