Brothers we respect you and wish you all well remember us at your grate Counsell we Look to you as our frinds. Signed by four of our Cheafs You non e talack his X Mark his X Mark John his X Mark tutios his X Mark Abraham X Brand John X mark Onondaga Apral 8 1811 NB plas to write by the Bairer friends by the requst of the onondagos i will inform you as to their sittiation thay air industrius and sober they appear to be onest in thair deal one with a nother and with the White Paple thair nabors thay want a Little in Currigment and i think often Exprest to me thair wish to Larn the use of tools and to have thair Children Eddicatid i think thair is as fair a prospect at this place as any that i know of among the Natives. yurs with esteem and respect Eph. Webstr. Onondaga April 8 1811