Letter from Onandaga Chiefs to Friends of New York &; reply. Address from the Onandago Tribe of Indians Friends and Brothers We have heard from your Counsil fire once more, we have heard that you wanted to know whether the Onondagoes had left off the use of Strong Drink or not. Brothers we have left off a long time ago, you tols us to leave off the Great spirit told us to leave off. we have listened to his voice; there are some that visite us from the Oneidas that drink, we think they will leave off by our good advice Brothers we are in want of Cattle, Chaines Ploughs, and all Kinds of farming utensils, you have told us that you would help us, we were glad to hear you were willing to help us Brothers We are in want of Blacksmyths Carpenters, and other Mechanics, we want to learn our children to work, we have opened our eyes we now see that we must work, we are willing to work we begin to raise wheat, and will do more if we can get help Brothers a part of our tribe lives at Buffaloe they are of the same mind with us, we all agree we wish If you will help us to Oxen, and farming utensiles, that you would send then on as soon as you can, as we are much in want, you will find us of the same mind, as when you ware here, we hope to hear from you soon Brothers We respect you and wish you all well remember us at your great Council we look to you as our friends. Signed by four of our Chiefs.