same, and that we hoped that they would continue in their good resolution and as the Great Spirit sees and knows all that we did that we hoped they would be carefull not to do any thing which they thought would be wrong in his Sight, we also Informed them how Glad it made our hearts to find them so carefull of their Children, we desired them to continue to teach them to work to love their Parents and obay them, and their Cheifts but above all to fear the Great Spirit who made them, and do not- hing they thought would be Displeasing to him--and desired them to keep strong from drink--they then seriously counseled together and then gave us some account of the form and manner of their Government, Interdus'd us to their head men the Cheifts --and as we now Informed them that we ware about to leave them we desired them to take Good care of the Oxen and the tools which the Committy lent them, and thought we or some of the Committy would make them another Visit in the course of this Season--they then thanked us for the Oxen and tools said they would take good care of them and endeavour no damage should befall them except the ware. One of the Cheifts in a very animated Speach eschorted the People--said the talk of making us another Visit, now how should we feel seeing we have promised to do well if when they come find some of us drunk how shamed we should be to have them know we lyed and did bad to--this would be Bad enough, for we have promised them we would not Drink, Now Remember (says he) we promised the Great Spirit we would not drink nor do bad, now if we are afraid that these our good Friends should know that we do what is not wright, how much more should we be afraid to lye to the Great Spirit and do any thing wrong, when the Great Spi- rit sees and knows all we do and say every Day and every Nig- ht. Now we have been thus particular for we considered the Indervew a very Interesting one and the Ideas the commun- icated worth preserving and what the Committy would be willing to have. And now we desire that truth might be sought and waited for in seperating to go amongthem least they should be harmed, we may see they have a high opinion of Friends, they also are as quick to discover and Notice any thing wrong as any People we know of, I believe we have felt our own weakness and Insoficiency and have been afraid least we should hurt the Oil or the wine The parable of the seed sown in the field and the Lord answer to the servants was often revived in our minds, when the servants sayed wilt thou that we pluck up the tares. The Lord says not so least ye pluck up the wheat also. Now we feel easy to leave the subject for further consideration. We also took a little view at the Oneida, found Absalom very unwell--we also say three of the Chiefts they desired to be remembered to the Committy their Good Brothers the Quakers hoped they would not forsake them tho some of them did conduct bad, they said they had bread corn so as to be comfortable Signed on behalf of the Committy by Joseph Frost