Report of Indian Committee To the Yearly Meeting The Committee on the Concern relative to the Indian Natives report, That in attending to the Concern com- mitted to their charge, the 4 tribes under the care of the Yearly Meeting have been visited by some of our number; And altho' some of the Natives are in rather an unsettled state, and looking toward removing their habitation, yet it appears by the report of our committee, that others are industrious, and attentive to aggricultural improvements; that in the Brothertown tribe, considerable advancements have been made therein, as also in the domestic manufactures, and an increase of attention to keeping sheep and other stock, inclosing their lands with better fence, erecting buildings &;c--which improvements have been promoted by small rewards for industry, having been paid out of their annuity. This tribe consists of 60 men and 75 women besides children. Two Schools are taught in this tribe which appear to be under good regulation; and one in the Stockbridge tribe; where there is also a number of framed houses and barns, and some farms well fenced and under good cultivation. In those families where the men are sober and industrious they are in the plentiful enjoyment of the comforts of civilized life; others less sober and industrious are consequently more needy. It was recommended to this tribe to persevere in manufacturing their own apparrel, as at Brothertown; which the sober and industrious amongst them are very desirous to do; and it appearing by a late Act of the Legislature that the disposal of their Annuity is confided to the Agents appointed by Government to receive &; pay the same it is hoped that this change in the appropriation of their funds