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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Draft of Letter to Missionary Society 1812 Respected Friends, Your Letter dated 27th Feb. 1812 with the statement of William Jenkins respecting a circum- stance that occured in 1809, between him &; a person sta- tioned at Oneida under our appointment, was laid before us at our last Meet. We acknowledge the kind &; respectful manner in which you communicate your sentiments on the subject, &; with you we cannot but sincerely regret, that any thing should have taken place calculated to produce a misun- derstanding or have a tendency to weaken the influence of those who are engaged, either by your society or our own, in promoting the general welfare of the poor natives. But when we consider the peculiarly responsible situation that agents are placed in, by residing amongst a peo- ple not fully acquainted with the habits, customs &; language of White people, it is reasonable to expect difficulties; &; indeed it is rather matter of surprise and cause of thankful- ness, that they have not more frequently occured With respect to the circumstances stated by Wm. Jenkins, we may remark, that we had no information of them untill we received your letter. Had these charges been brought forward at an earlier period, it would doubtless have been much easier to ascertain how far they are correct, for when