remembrance of us and shall ever remain thine and theirs respectfully. Joseph Shauguthqueat Barth. Calvin, Town Clark Elizabeth Seth Mary Pye Catharine Littleman Elizabeth Pye Lydia Hendrick Eunice Queeny Lucy M Hussekun N.B. It is farther agreed theat the wheels shall be brought and kept at one house and be under the care and superintendance of the Instructess John Sergeant Esteemed Friend Samuel Parsons I have this day Receivd from Thomas Dean an acount and statement of the Brothertown Indians, as followeth The Brothertown Indians Possess a tract of land containing 9390 Acres which is Devided into 149 Lots from fifty to one Hundred acres each The number of Inhabitance are about 302 there are 55 Males of 21 years old and upwards and 67 Females 21 and upwards, they have 4 who profess to be Carpenters, two Blacksmiths, 4 Shoemakers 2 Taylors, 5 Weavers, tho they do not all follow their Trades steadely--they have one grist still which belongs to the Tribe, and two sawmills which belongs to individuals, they have sixteen fraimed Houses and 18 fraimed Barns they Manufacture among themselves at least 322 ya. of Woollen Cloath and 605 yds of lining Cloth in a year they have five Looms--and they are generally supplyed wi woollen and Lining Spining Wheels Axes hoes Sythes &;c.. it is Calculated they have about 2000 acres of improved Land, on which they keep about 90 Cows 30 Horses 16 yoke of oxen 93 young Cattle 88 Sheep and a great number of Swine--the Land also Produces 2870 bushels of Wheat, 5695 bushels of corn 700 bushels of Rye 1866 bushels of oats 95 bushels of Peas 3450 of Patatoes and about 290 Tuns of hay. It may however be proper to observe that about one half of the above produce is raised on shares by White People on their Land; they have 21 Ploughs 17 sleds, 3 Carts, and 3 Waggons which belongs to the Indians... I expected this would would have ben made out so that I could have forwarded it with the other and alltho I have taken Considerable pains yet I am afraid the delay has ben a disappointment to Friends but I hope to excuesed seeing &; did not Receive thy Letter untill one week after the Committy set off for home which made considerable trouble for me: from thy sincere Friend Joseph Frost Newhartford 21st of the 12 Month 1812