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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


A Statement of Newstockbridge Tribe No. of Persons including 39 --475 they Possess six Mills Square of Land except eighteen hundred acres Leased out they have improved about 1200 acres of land on which they have two saw Mills and one grist Mill 8 fraimed Houses &; 7 framed Barns the remainder of their building are built of Logs &; Barke; they raised in the year 1811 about 500 bushels of wheat and about 2000 bushels of Corn allso a com fortable supply of Potatoes &; Beens with other vegeta- bles they have 26 horses and 20 pares of oxen and 52 Cows and 44 young Cattle: 56 sheep and about fifty Hoggs they have furnished them by Friend. 5 foot Wheels 3 great wheels 2 reals on which 35 of their Women and girls have ben Learning to spin and some of them have acquired a prity good knoledge of the art who all seem to be well pleased and seem to be desireous to become parfect in said art. This Tribe receives an annuity of 350 Dollars from the United States and from the State of New York 200 Dollars to be applyed for schools Blacksmiths Mills and Poor This I beleave to be a pritty acrate statement Joseph Frost Newhartford 30 of 11th Month 1812 NB Dear Friend Samuel Parsons I would jest Mention to thee that in my opinion there would a great benefit arise from their being furnished with more raw materials and inplyments of Husbandry not only in this but in all the tribe; thou may verbaly state to the Comitty alltho I have of them, they have about 12000 acres of Land are about 250 in No. have about 5 or 6 hundred acres improved, raised the present season about 450 bushels of wheat 1400 bushels of corn a considerable quantity of Beens Potatoes Squashes &;c they 6 pair of oxen about 10 Cows some young Cattle 4 Plows 2 Drags one cart