Account of the money Paid in 1812 For the Indians Cash Paid one 8 paid 0 12 6 Cash 5 quarter auger 5/ one four. quarter 4/ 0 9 0 Cash two sithes at 9/ per sith 0 18 0 Cash Paid Sickle 5/ 0 5 0 Cash Paid a hired man to teach in the Chool Two month &; a quarter at $11/ per month 9 100 0 1812 7 mo 11 Cash 11 pounds of wool at 3/6 per pound 1 18 6. Cash 6 pound of Cotton at 2/ per pound 0 12 0 Cash one pare of Cards at 8/ per 0 8 0 Cash ten pounds of flax 1/ per pound 0 10 0 Cash two Coyrs of paper 2/ per Coyr 0 4 0 Cash thre ink stands 1/ per stand 0 3 0 Cash Paid 5/ pare of nedles 14 pense per 0 1 8 Cash Paid for a Spinning Loom &; parster 0 14 0 Cash Paid expences 6/ 0 6 0 7 mo 20 Cash Paid Cradle &; heal Ling 14/ 0 14 0 Cash Paid 3 Rakes 2/ per Rake 6/ 0 6 0 Cash Paid 4 Duson quils 1/6 0 1 6 Cash 4 pounds of flax 1/ per 0 4 0 Cash Paid 5/ to assist in the Chool 0 5 0 8 mo 10th Cash Paid w/hand In the Chool one month and five days at $13 per month 6 4 0 11 mo 28 Cost of Driving the oxen to Joseph Frost 0 10 0 Cash paid for meding a Wheel 4/6 0 4 6 Cash paid Repareing the Barn plank &; Bords 1 6 0 Carpenters work 7/ 0 7 0 6 mo 2 1812 Cash paid $7 of Interest onacout of a note. I was Bound for on account of the mill. 2 16 0 Friends is twenty one Dollars Which I have lost in my Indian trade Which I Plase here for your Consideration. 00 00 0 Blacksmith B &;c 2 00 0 Carpenters Work plows and yoke 100 0 41 11 8 5 mo. 29 To Balance due me last settlement in 5 mo. 1812. 47. 4 -- To one Years Salery 100 -- To Cash over allowd..on the $27.76 on the 1 13 11 190 9 7 $476.19 Account of the money Received From the Comitty In 1812 5 m 26 1812 Recived By mi Wife $20 6 mo 13 1812 Recived By Draft $150 7 mo 8 1812 Receved of Joseph Frost $6 8 mo 17 1812 Received of Joseph Frost $50 Thereis twenty thre Dollars and Seventy six cents Which I Received of the Indians on the Count of the Mill I Expeced John murry likewise received of the Indians for sead $7.37 5 mo 29 238 37 Rec. New York 5th m 28. 1813 from John Murray Twenty One Dollars on this Account. $21 Ruth Hatfield 476.19 233.37 242.82