Thomas Dean Statement relating to Brothertown Indians By request of James Mott. I make the following statement being the reason &; cause of my takeing a Lease of Land belonging Isaac &; Jane Wobby in Brothertown. Whin I agreed with the superintendant of the affairs of the Brothertown Indians. It was agreed on by Tho. Cody &; Henry McNire that I should have the privoledg of the immovement on Lots No. 15 &; 16 in said Town for my accomodation in addition to my former sallery which has not been the case. I have only had the land a part of the time since I have been in Brothertown although the superintendants has allowd me a part of the rent of the said Land yet I have been very much for the want of pasture &; meadow Land not having a pasture to put a horse in and I have had nearly all my hay to buy for 2 or 3 years--which was very expensive and inconvenint. But I should not have complained of the imbarresments I was under for I knew that it was not all together in the control of the Super -intendants to furnish me with the land promised for my accomodation nor should I have taken a lease of Isaac Wobby had I not thot it was for the benefit of Brothertown. On account of the follow- ing circumstance (viz) Isaac Wobbly was always disatis -fyed with the Indians and their government--and in the winter of 1810-11 he &; Thomas Isaac petitioned the