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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


legislature to be naturalized or made subject to the Laws of the state as other citizen are subject to and there was an act passed accordingly absolving them from all Laws and regulations enjoined on the Brothertown Indions and made them ameanable to the same Laws and entitled to the same privolidges as other citizens are entitled to and confirmed the Lands assumed to them by the superintendants &;c to them and their heirs respectively for ever with out the power of atination except by devise and did not impair their right to the unappropriated Land or to the Annuity to be paid to said Indions. In conciquence of said art Isaac Wobbly got credot and run into debt and soon became subject to many Lawsuits and cost which brot him into imbaresment and difficulty &; in the fall of 1815 he informed me that he intended to lease out his land &; wished me to take it I declined and advised him not to let it our but in the spring of 1816 he leased it our to John Cotteral for 20 Years for the rent of 180 Dollars per Anum &; got 2 years rent in advance Wobby was still in debt &; had no resorces to pay his debts. there was several suits brot against him which he could not defend and in the fall he told me he was determined to sell or dispose of his land or a part of it and to leave B. Town I advised him to the conterary but he percisted in his determination and petitioned the Legislature to authorise him to alinate his land. &; the bill passed the Assembly and he had reason to believe it would pass the senate: he requested me to buy his Lot near the school house as he was determined to part with it I advised the peacemakers to take it and pay him out of the annuity but they declined and thot there was more that wanted to sell then to buy--some of thim advised me to buy it and take up J Cotterals Lease as Cotteral had put on two tenants which ware complained of as intruders on Indian land and the attorney gave it as his opinion that they could not be removed off--and Wobby said that if I would not take it he would sell it to some one that would take it--or he would lease it for a long term of years so I agreed to buy it if the bill did pass &; to give him 1700 Dollars to be paid in certain instalments--the bill did not pass the senate and I had paid Wabby the first instalment or took up executions &; paid off judgements for him to that amt. and took a Lease from him &; his wife for the Land and furnished him with a team money &;c to moove with. &; I expect to pay him the balance when he git an act passed to him to give a deed--or if he devises it to me his heirs will receive the amt. due--I believe there can be but little doubt about the vallidity of the Lease or at least I have none, or I should not have taken it or paid any money. Though I did not take it with a view of speculation I considered that it is as much money as it is worth in the state of repair it was in when I took it. I could have sold my right in it for the money I was to give for it