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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


but I did not buy it to sell to any one with out it was to the Indions or the superintendants under the 23 section of the Act entitled an act relative to the different tribes &; Nations of Indions within this state passed 10th April 1813 &; I have been willing to sell it to them on the same conditions as I baught it. I have been informed that some of the committee who visited Brothertown expressed great concern on account of my agreeing for the Lot They may be informed that if the superintendent &; peace makers doth not conclude to take it as above stated; and they have a prefferance that some other person should own the Lot and will inform me of the same I will endeavor to gratify thim im- mediately as there is a person who wants to buy it and will pay for the improvement I have made James Mott T. Dean P.S. It may not be a miss to prevent future unea -siness to mention that Tho. Isaac informed me that he intended to sell his Lot. And I have been informed he has been offered $2000 for it I have no doubt he will sell it before spring--&; I have been informed several others wishes to sell and I think likely will before long if the Governor is disposed to buy as he is authorised to purchase from the Stockbridge and Brothertown Indions in behalf of the state such part of their reservation &; lands as they may be desireous of silling By the 4 section of the act relative to the vilage of Onieda and other purposes--passed 8th April 1815 to Joseph Frost and James Moot the Indians Requested me to write a Reply to an address delivered them the other day by friends. -- to write all that was said would fill a mumber of sheets of paper I thairfore have taken the heads of it. thay Receivd the advice with thankfullnes they stated that a grate number of thair peaple had not tasted strong liquer for thirteen years past and thay Beleave that you had asisted them and Enabled them to keep from it and would Continue so to Due as long as thay tride to keep from it.