thay also stated that thay had made sum progrees in Cultivating thair lands thay acnoleged the assistance of friends as to helping them to oxen and farming uatesels thay acnolegd that thay had don Rong in not keeping the oxen Better that thay wair now Better provided with hay and if the frinds see fit to let them have oxen thay would try to dow Better thay also stated that thay wanted to Bild a saw mill and if frinds wair willing to let them have the mill given on a Credit that thay would pay them and if the frinds would send on a mill write to lay out the work thay Could dew all the work them selves except the Runing geears and the pitching the watter if sun one would show them thay said that that thay Could hew the timber make the mantisis and tennantery and Bild the dam and would pay for it as fast as the mill Could arn it thay then would want sum friend to take Charge of the mill and saw and sell Boards for them and take his pay out of it and all so pay for the irons and work. the mill seat is about three miles from thair villige adjining the white people thair is pine timber and white wood and Clary thay Requsted an answar to this my wife gets no Better I desier to be remembered your friend Eph. Webster onondago August the 24th 1815 Letter from Stockbridge Indians 1 mo 2. 1815 Brothers &; Sisters attend We feel thankful to the great &; good Spirit that he still puts it into the hearts of a number of our white brethren &; Sisters belonging to the religious society of people called Quakers or friends, to wish to have the chain of friendship strengthened, which bound our fathers &; yours together: &; we feel thankful to you for the good advice comprehended in your address to us &; to our men. We heartily join with you in believing that, it is not the will of the great Spirit, that the children of men should destroy &; kill each other like the wild beasts of the forest. Brothers &; Sisters, We are sensible that not only most of our men, but likewise many of our women, have that great enimy to con- tend with called ardent spirits the bane &; ruin of all Indians: &; many bad meaning white people being fully sensible of our people's weakness therein, have made use of that baneful material in drawing our men into their intriagues. They have by that means got possession of a great part of our Township &; we are sensible that if they are not removed in a short time, we are a ruined people. Brothers &; Sisters, We are sensible that our lands are good &; that if our men will only follow your advice, with regard to culti- vating the same, &; to the raising of domestic animals, they would do much better than they can by hunting the bear &; deer. And we heartily join with you, in wishing that our men would leave off the drinking of ardent spirits: &; we will use our utmost endeavors to persuade them to leave off the evil practice, &; to cultivate the ground &; raise grain cattle sheep &; flax, &; we on the other hand will endeavor as we have already began to learn to spin &; make cloth. Brothers &; Sisters, From the repeated admonitions we have received from those you have been pleased to send to visit us so great a distance, together, with other very great favors, manifests to us, that of all other denom- inations you who are called Quakers are our greatest friends. You have ever manifested your friendship not in words only, but in deeds likewise. You have been the means of addings greatly to the growth of civilization among us. Many of our people are daily experience- ing the good effects, of being taught the art of spinning, which has been brought about by your bestowing to us spinning wheels wool flax &;c. together with the assiduity of Mary Doxtader alias Peters, who was brought up under your care &; instruction, &; has given us great satisfaction with regard to her faithfulness in said business.