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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Queries. What tribes of Indians are settled in the Province of Upper Canada whose conditions is pretty well known to Friends that reside in that country. Describe nearly the geographical limits of each tribe. Does each of the tribes or do any of them possess land, &; by what kind of tenure. What is the population of each tribe as nearly as can be judgd. How long have they been settled in their present location. From whence did they imigrate What progress have they made in agriculture. Which of them depend principally on hunting. Do their resources in the Chace diminish. Describe the condition of each tribe, with respect to the comforts of life. Mention the character of each of tribe, with regard to temper or disposition, moral honesty, industry, temperance, relative condition of the women, religious belief &;c Are they stationary or migratory What progress have they made in Civilization. How far are they exposed to the of designing white men. What has government done for their relief Have any considerable efforts been made by individuals of Societies to ameliorate their con- dition. Have missionaries been among them either permanently or temporarily. What effects have they produced.