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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


New York 9th Mo. 23rd. 1817 Esteemed Friends Your Letter by John Sky, a Chief of the Senaca Nation of Indians, was handed us, and the Committee on Indians affairs have had a conference with Sky--he stated generally, that he was appointed to inform us, that the Nation had held a Council lately, and had become sensible of the necessity of Sobriety and Industry, and were very desirous of the assis- tance of Friends to enable them to cultivate their Lands raise Cattle &; Sheep &;c. and also stated, that at the place he resides, Tonawanto Village, the Indians propose building a Saw Mill and wanted us to furnish them the Mill Irons. It would be very desirable to assist these poor people, but it is attended with considerable difficulty on account of their remote situation, which makes it very inconvenient for us to visit them. Unless they are visited, and suitable advice afforded to them, we should allways be at a loss to know anything of their general conduct, or in what way assistance might be given most beneficial and usefull. From our knowledge of Indians, we are satisfied it requires great caution and care in assisting them, otherways it may often injure instead of helping them--on this account we think it would be most prudent to do it rather sparingly, and then if they increase