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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Acors. Rathbun To the Committee to Superintend Indians D. 1818 5. 5th $ To 26 1/2 bush. peas for Onida &; Stockbridge a 8/ $26 50 To 3 at 9/ 3. 3.8. To 22 1/2 bush. oats at 3/ 8. 43 To 36 3/4 of potatoes a 2/6 11 49. To 79 1/2 bush. seed wheat a 14/ 34 1.3 To 8 3/4 bush. corn a 16/ 1.7. 50 To 2 bush. flax seed at 16/ 4 -- To 1 peck beans 4 31. To 47 lb flax a 6. 8.9 To 30 lb wool a 4/ 15 -- To Carding and oiling wool 2 16. 1/2 819 5th To paid for garden seeds 4. 8.4 To for school bilt for 4. 7.5 To paid Mary Doxstator 3 -- To 5 bush. flax seed for Onida &; Stockbridge a 12/ 7. 50 To 1 yoke of oxen 80 -- To 1 105 -- To 2 Chains 8. -- To 1 yoke of Oxen 80 -- To 10 bush. Potatoes at 3/ --delivered to 11 persons 3 7.5 To 1 1/2 bush. peas at 3/ 5 1. 50 To 1/4 bush seed corn a 8/ 1. 2.5 To cash paid for knitting needles 1. 50 5 mo 15 To 12 days my own time a 10/ 15 -- 20 To paid Mary Doxstator for potatoes and seed corn 7. 00 To 1 yoke Oxen 8.0 -- To 1 cow and provisions deliverd Philenor Hunt To which account has been forwarde 3.9. 7.5 $566 63 1819 6. 29 To balance credited 86 56 Contra Cr. 1818 5. 5th By balance on hand $53 32 6. 4 By draft 75 75 1819 2. By cash of P. Hunt by L Mott 13 -- 2. 3 -- 5. draft on John Murray 35 -- 5. By favour of J. Grant 300 -- 6. 29 Balance charged 86 56 $566 63 $566 63