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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Address of Stockbridge Indians to N. York Committee 6mo 1819 Brothers The Muhhuonnuk Nation give their salutations to their friends, who have taken pains to follow the long path, that leads from their fire place hith- er Brothers, Be it known to you, that we as a Nation feel glad, that the great &; good Spirit has put such love in your hearts as to be willing, to take such a long journey to pay us a friendly visit. Brothers, When you arrived at our fire place and opened your mouth, your words gladened our hearts, for which we feel thankful to the great &; good Spirit. Brothers, you have given us many good counsels both for our temporal &; spiritual good, for which we now thank you. We esteen it a great blessing to have such fiends as you &; your societies are who have maintained friendship with not only our nation, but different tribes of our col- our also. Brothers, Be assured that we have swallow'd down all your words, and we hope by the help of the good Spirit, we may yet be enabled to fol- low the good path which you have pointed out for us--and we hope you will not be discouraged, but exersise patience &; continue to lead us by the hand longer. Brothers, Be it known to you, that many of your colour siting around our dish &; diping out therefrom, and taking all the advantages they possibly can of our ignorance, their eyes being wide open. Of course therefore