To the Committee on Indian affairs at N. York Dear Friends, In compliance with the request of Red Jackit one of the chiefs of the six nations of Indians, I have undertaken to represent to you the wishes of the indians residing at Tontewanda, communicated to me and several other friends of Farmington at a conference with us the part summer or faul. He stated that for a long time he had been strongly opposed to their becoming civilized or christianized, but that of late he had become convinced, as both fishing and hunting, in that part of the country, was nearly at an end, that unless they went to work and adopted the habits of civilized life, they must starve He stated also that some feint attempts had been made both by the indians and families towards their civilization but without much ef- fect, and that now it was necessary for both friends &; indians to be in earnest. As a necessary step towards the accomplishment of it he conceived it would be proper to establish a school, for the education of their chil- dren at or near Tontewanda village. He further stated that from long experience they had become convinced that full confidence might be placed in the society, and enjoined it on us to make their sentiments known. Some time previous to the conference above mentioned I went in company with three other friends, to visit the in- dians at the abovementioned place, at their particular request. From what we observed while there of their regular deportment, the improvements they had made, as well as the prudent use they have made of the tools that were given