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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


to them by friends, we were induced to believe that the present is a favorable time for friends to lend them some assistance. It may be proper to state, that the indians residing at Tontewanda, (four hundred and sixty in number) say that there are best two or three intemperate persons amongst them, and that there is no doubt but it is nearly correct. Your Friend. Abraham Lapham Farmington 4th mo 18th 1821 Philadelphia 3d Mo. 23d 1819 Thomas Eddy &; Rich. Mott Dear Friends Your Letter of 8th Ins. is received and as our Committee on Indian Affairs met last week its contents were communicated to that body and we were desired to answer it--when we invited a conferrence we wished it to have taken place before any application was made to your Legislature, that the views and intentions of each Committee might have been fully understood; our field of labour is within the limits of your State and whilst your State Legislature permitted those Indians under our care to remain quietly subject to the immediate direction of the Superintendant appointed by the Executive of the United States, our communications were to that Department, to which we continue to furnish occasional accounts of what has been done and our future prospects, and have received encouragement to continue our labours; but of late there is a disposition manifest on the part of your State to Legislate on the subject, and we feel solicitous if any Act is passed it may be such as will promote rather than retard their civilization. we think if some leading characters in your State were by an Act of your Government to have for their neighbours a large number of immoral and profligate families and were prevented from removing themselves or their children to any other part of the State to avoid such contaminating example, they would think their case a trying one, and