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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Interests. We therefore recommend her with that confidence, that she will meet that reception among every sentiment of respect &; esteem your friends &; Sisters--Farewell. Lucy her X mark Abrams Sarah her X mark Rhodes Hannah her X mark Konkapot Mary Pye Eunice Abrams Suriey her X Davad Catharine Littleman Hannah her X Schoiakaim Elizabeth ohlkoohquh Eshter Littleman New Stockbridge May 3rd 1822 Our friend Adin T Cory attended the Monthly Meeting of Scipio 14th of 11 Mo. 1822 with a certificate of removal for himself and wife dated in 9 Mo.. He suggested to the Meeting the propriety of allowing him the priviledge of holding metings among the indians when he felt his mind drawn to it which was granted. In an interview with him he informed me that they arrived at Onondaga 4 or 5 weeks previous--that the principal chief gave up his frame house for their use; and that the principal men manifested a disposition to promote his views. That they had agreed to draw to the Saw-mill this winter a sufficient number of logs to erect a building of sufficient size for a spinning room, a loom room, and a school room. At his request I furnished him with eighty Dollars to procure blacksmiths tools, Iron and Steel, and a set of wheelright tools. He expressed a desire that a suitable woman might be employed to instruct the children in spelling and reading but I did not feel myself authorized to instruct him to procure one until I had consulted the visiting committee. Altho authorized to furnish wool to the Onondaga tribe, I did not do it, believing that it would be of very little use to them, unless some person qualified to instruct them resided with them.