Veron 5th Mo. 9th 1824 Beloved Friend Thomas Willis Thy letter of the 12th Mo. Last Duely Come to hand and I manely attend to the busy ness of the oxen before with the ad vice of some friends have sold three od oxen and the other I left with metinas Dana for his to use with an od ox of his the first I sold was a lame ox in the Latter part of the 10 month 1822 for $20 the other 2 in 11th 1823 $39 50/100 which is out at use I thought if the Committee were willing to Lay out the mon ey in sheep and Lone them to some of the most prudent of the oneidas for them to have the wooll and the in Creas I find a few are wishing to keep sheep I dont think it best to give to any but only to Lent for one or two years as may most useful the sober part of the oneida tribe oft express there thankfulness for friends attention to them there fields and houses look incouraging enough to Reward friend for there trouble I am sure I feal sadisfyed in beleaving our Labour is not Lost Acors Rathbun PS. I have sent $60 to V Hicks