From Tonawanda Tribe To the great council of our white brothers the Quakers in New York. Brothers We met together with our brother in council this evening. We thank the great Spirit that we have new together once more. We are going to say a few words. Our brother called here last winter-- we were sorry we could not talk with him because there was no interpreter at that time, and we could not hear anything that he wished to say. And afterwards when he was gone, we thought we would like to have said something if we had had an interpreter. And now our brother is come we will say all things. It is a number of Years since we have heard from you You told us to learn to work every time. We are very glad. The great Spirit sent you here to give us this good advice. You gave us some tools to work with, which has been a great help to us, and our young men, warriors, begin to work with them. We divided the tools amongst us, and some of them are worn our. We tell you the reason why they are worn out, because we divided them amongst our Young warriors, and that makes them ware out quicker. We are thank ful because we think the great Spirit make you a mind to give them to us. We think we gain a good deal. We know different now from what we used to. Brothers We will tell you how many cattle and tools we have. We have sixty four Yolk of Oxen--and thirty one Ploughs and two drags. We thought Brothers we woud tell you how much trouble we have because we have not got tools enough. We have to wait for one another We have to drag with bushes instead of Drags because so many hurry. You very often, when you come our want to know how many tools we want. We never say any thing--We thought of it--We thought you know all about it. This time we thought we would let you know what tools we have. If you wish to help us to some more we are very glad. Brothers, You often, when you come out here told us we had better leave off drinking the bad liquor We did very often. We talked with our Young warriors to quit they most all did--some wont believe . We hope we shall get strength before long. Brothers, You often give us good council and advice to keep our land. We united, all our nation, to keep this land, and to lay our bones on it and our childrens too. Brothers, we look to you! we wish you to come and instruct us, because You know our