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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Canandaigua. July 6th 1827. Sir, I received your letter of the 26th ultimo with the enclosed memorial from Red Jacket and others on the subject of a treaty concluded last summer at Buffaloe between the Seneca Nation of Indians and the owners of the preeptive right. In answer to it I beg leave to state in addition to the enclosed copy of a letter to Col. Thomas McKinney, dated the 20th of April last. That soon after Judge Forward received his authorization to act as a Commissi- oner on the part of the United States at a treaty to be held between the Seneca Nation of indians and the owner of the preemptive right, he appointed the 11th day of september as the day for holding the same. That five days thereafter I arrived at Buffaloe for the purpose of making a distribution of the auunity in goods from the U. States to the Indians, agreeably to an appointment which I had made with the chiefs of the Seneca Nation to meet them on the 15th of September previously to the making of the aforesaid appointment by Judge Forward. That previous going to Buffaloe I was particularly requested by the proprietors of the pre-emptive right at the of Judge Forward, not to be present at, or interfere with the depending nego- tiation--to which I replied that, having made an appoint- ment to meet the Indians for the purpose above mentioned, I must be there until 15th.