Copy Buffalo July 20th 1827 Sir, I had the honor of receiving from Sam. S. Hamilton Esquire, enclosed by your order, the memorial of Red Jacket and others, complaining of the proceedings at the late Treaty with the Seneca Indians, to which tribe I presume all of the signers belong. The memorial purports to have been made and signed at the Council House of the nation; but there has been no council at that place for such purpose. Red Jacket however, did as I am informed, assemble his adherents upon the Tennewanta reser- vation, to advise upon the subject of (breaking up as he termed it) the treaty. The memorial might have been made and signed at that time; but I strongly suspect it was subsequently done at the Village of Balania. Who the author was I am at a loss to con- jecture. It could not have been Mr. Adams, in whose presence it appears to have been signed, because he is a man of very moderate literary attainments, much less indeed than the grammar &; orthography of the production disclosed.