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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


unto. The question of the removing of the Indians to the far west, is one of a very interesting nature. Located in the middle of the organised states, they are thrown into continual collisions with the surrounding inhabitants, and mutual animosities are apt to exist between them. Petitions are raised by the whites to have the Indians bought out Government is solicited by individuals and by the state legislaters, which is guided by the people; State laws are extended over their country by a right common to the State Governments, which it is believed the Gen. Gov. is bound to maintain. Comm. are appt. to treat with the Indians for purchase, &;c. &;c. till they must yeild. All this is an instigation of the people, not a disposition of the Gov. originally, until they are under necessity to notice the subject from the people. The Gov. being bound in treaties to the Indians for their protection, finds itself in difficulties and hence the scheme for inducing the Indians to remove out of the chatred limits of any state--with a promise that their territoy beyond the Mississippi shall never more be included in the bounds of any state, but secured to them as an undisturbed possission. The map which thou mentions in thy letter, and a copy of which I will send thee herewith will show thee what progress the Gov. has made in their western locations &;c. &;c. Thou wilt see that the territory of the Shawanese is but a small one, compared with the mighty west--indeed the tribe is small--say only about 1200. On this small tribe the whole forces of the philanthropy of Baltimore, Ohio, and Indiana Yearly meetings is alone exercised, so far as it concerns Indians. Just cast they eye over the map, and see the mighty field for labour. We have in the heart of our state a tribe of Miami Indians, about 2000 strong--with Friends near there or several sides--towards there, it is my opinion that we should extend some attention. I answer thy inquiries. 1st In answer to this, I send thee a periodical called Annual Registrar--a work of much information. 2nd The Tribes mostly have missionaries with them. 3rd Friends carry on their operation by permission of the Gov. and perhaps it may be said with the co-operation of the Agent to a certain extent. They certainly might carry on their operations with the co-operation of the Gov. 4. I believe not. 5. So far as our operations are extended, your money would be very useful to us--but we apprehend that you could personally render us very little assistance. 6. I think there are, several. The Miamis in particular. 7. A combined effort of the Yearly Meetings might be productive of much more good, as it would add so much strength to the concern--and put those who might be the immediate agents of the work in so much more means for extending their usefulness. The project of having a kind of general Agent, a member of our society, might not be a bad one--but the contrary one thing, however--we must suppose the Gov. has confidence in it present Agents, therefore it might not be proper for us to insinuate much distrust in them, or assume to oversee them, but we should render ourselves odious, and have the opposition of all. It would, I think be better to enter the field as Assistants in the great work of Christianization, and then do good as way might open. In love thy friend,Elijah Coffin Will send thee a copy of our Minutes, including Indian Report, as soon as printed.