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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


generally determined on staying &; told him so. He then came into Council--Said the business was finished--you have sold all your claimed in this State--Here is the treaty made &; written before you, and are all you have to do is to Sign it. He then laid the Treaty on the table &; called on the chiefs to sign it. The Senecas then laid on the table a remonstrance they had prepared against his proceedings and 62 of their chiefs signed it--23 of them who were in favour of emigration Signed the treaty The commissioner Staid two or three days afterward at a tavern, &; with the agents of the Ogden Co. bribed others to Sign or got them drunk &; then induced them to do so. The Senecas have determined to carry their remonstrance to Washington &; John Robinson, one of the Chiefs is expected here soon on his way thither to present it, It is signed by 92 Warriors &; head men repres- enting 700 souls. It is likely our Indian Committee will also present a memorial, by a deputation, and we have thought that a memorial from your Indian Comm. or Mtg for Sufferings might be of mere avail as coming from Citizens of the State where the Indians are &; also their reservations. The Oneidas Onondagoes, &; other tribes in N. York and all embraced in the treaty &;are all to be removed as well as Senecas. Tho'I have no prospect that the presenta- tion of animials will have any beneficial effect yet it seems to me as it will probably be the last opportu- nity we ought once more to lift up our voices to testify against the robbery and oppression of this afflicted &; presented people. Our Comm. meet early next week to deliberate on the measue &; we should then decide probably as to the course. Mean- while I was desired to write to thee &; Com- municate these facts &; glad should I be if you join us in Memorializing.