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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


(owing to the Ohio being far and frose they have not yet come to hand) and then thou will be informed the names of that committee and also will see by the report of our Committee on Idian affairs what we one doing among them altho we are doing nothing to bost of yet I hope that our labours among them will not be intirely in vain one great difficulty we labour under is in geting a suitable family to reside among them and superintend at our establishment it not only requires individuals that are well acquianted with genuine religion but also with the proceedings of General government especially as relates to the indians and also to be acquainted with human nature and it is hard to find those in whom all these qualities is com find and indeed it is a great deprivation for any to reside among heathons so far distant form the boddy of Society and when any do make the Sacrafice of all their friends as to Society they ought to have the nearest Simpathy and unity of their Boarding School going into operation soon is rather discouridging owing to the want of funds. The committee have oppointed to meet the first second day in the third month at which time they will be informed what money is likely to be raised the present year and if the funds will justify it they are desireous to get the house raised &; inclosed the present year. We are in great need of such an institution having I suppose about 12000 children within our limits and it being verry difficult to furnish our primary schools with suitable teachers &; it will be hard to remady that dificulty in any other way than by a bording School and not only that but for want of such an institution many of friends children are sent to county Siminaries and other Schools where the example set before them is calculated to lead their minds to soar above the Simplisity of the truth as prosessed by us But for want of information respecting such institutions some seem prejudiced against it apprehending it will only benefit the Rich and therefore withhold subscribing tho I have a hope as the yearly meeting appointed a committee to solisit sub- scriptions in the limits of each quarter who are able to give information respecting such a school that much of the preju- dice will be removed and the money will be raised and the work go on. Thou will see by the minutes of the yearly meeting that there was no ministering friends from other yearly meeting of it which I think was the first that we have held by ourselves. Tho we were not without the company of the great head of the church by his holy Spirrit under the influence of which we were enabled to tranceact the buisiness in much harmony In love I remain thy friend Wm Hobbs NB I am informed that Dear Elizabeth Robson has landed again in America If thou sees her please give her my love together with her dear Husband