Interview of Cyrus Mendenhall with some Stockbridge Indians--1839 Cleveland Ohio 3rd Mo. 6th 1839 Respected Friend Having lately learned that thou art one of the Ohio Yearly Meetings Committee on Indian Affairs, I take the liberty of addressing thee to call your attention to the Stockbridge tribe of Indians, now residing on the South side of Winnebago Lake in Wisc- onsin Tery. They have resided in that Tery. for the last 16 years, to which place they came from one of the central Counties of N. York State, &; had previously rec. some attention from Friends, I think of N.Y. Yearly Meeting. I do not know what rule of action the Committee have adopted, whether their attention is Confined to the Shawanesse &; some others formerly in Ohio, or whether they would consider themselves at liberty to act for the welfare of the Indian wherever they saw an opportu- nity to effect any improvement in his conditions, and whether he was or not, now accepting the aid of other religious Societies. Be this as it may I feel it obli- gatory upon me to give thee some account of an interview I had with Jn. Quinney, A. E. Quinney &; Austin 3 Chiefs of this tribe. We accidentally put up at the same Hostel in Detroit in the early part of this winter. Perceiving at suppertime that I was somewhat peculiarly dressed, A. E. Quinney