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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


shortly after asked me if I was a member of the society of Friends and being answered in the affirmiation invited me to spend the evening in their room, which invitation I gladly accepted, as Indian Character &; Indian welfare have long been subjects of the liveliest interest to me. The Talk was commenced by Jno. Quinney with their Characteristic gravity, he said that he well remembered the care extended to their Tribe by the Society of Friends, when he was young, that it had sent amongst them teachers of both sexes who instructed them in letters, the men in agriculture &; the mechanic arts, and the women in the domestic duties of civilized life, that the instruction thus afforded had been of inestimable value to them, that its effects still existed amongst them, and was exten- ding through them to other tribes of Indians, &; that the Red men felt the most sincere gratitude therefore towards our Society. This he expressed in the warmest terms, and conclu- ded by desiring me to convey the same to the Society when an opportunity offered, and to say to it that the advices and instruction of its elder members would now be acceptable. That they would be happy to show to it that its labors had been servicable in placing in placing them in their present condi- tion which is his own experience is on the rise, &; steadily but slowly on the advance towards coplete civilization. This they seemed anxious should be accellerated. I much regret that I cannot give his words verbation: but what I have said must be nearly the substance. The manner in which it was delivered was to me satisfactory evidence that it proceded from the heart. After they had concluded what seemed to be their object in inviting me into their room, we had much, to me, interesting conversation, in which they give many of the particulars of their situation &; some of the internal regulations of their tribe, such as its form of government, Legislative Judicial &; Executive--which are very simple. They have a Presby- terian mission amongst them. Those I saw appeared to be men of inafficted piety, and the two who spoke our Language were very intelligent men. One of them had been taught the English language gramatically--&; speaks it very correctly, though with some hesitation; this he said arose from using their own language wholly, amongst themselves; he was also so much of a mathemetician as to be able to perform plane surverying--which could also be done by 4 others of the tribe. Here I think is a field for accomplishing much service to the cause of Christianity &; Civilization and to this wronged and blighted portion of the human race. That it properly belongs to Friends at Ohio Yearly Meeting is I think evident from the fact that it is of more easy access to them than any others. The Committee I have no doubt is fully aware of the importance of the objects Com- mitted to their charge &; also of the ability of Friends of Ohio to do all that may be Exquisite in a preuniary way, to aid it, so that I need make no other appeal to its Christian benevolence than to inform it, as requested, that the way is open to do good. Should any members of the Committee wish to visit this tribe the best way would be to embark on one of the Steam Boats which leave this place, during the summer, every 2 or 3 days, for Green Bay, which place would be reached in 4 or 5 days at a passage expence of 15 or 20 doll. (I think 15) &; there they would have to traval about 30 miles over land by a U. States Military Road to reach the place of its residence. I should be glad to hear from thee