Report from Baltimore Committee To the Committee of New York Yearly Meeting charged with Indian Concerns.Dear Friends, We were directed by our last Yearly Meeting to open a Correspondence with you, as also with similar Committees of other Yearly Meetings, with a view to promote as way might open for it, &; as suggested in your Epistle of last year, a more united Action on the part of the Society generally for the Civilization &; Christian instruction of the Aborigines of this country. In compliance with these instructions we now address you: More than 40 years have now elapsed since the subject was first introduced into Yearly Meetingour , &; during this period a number of different tribes of Indians have been visited &; assisted by the Committee having charge of the Concern; as early as the year 1797 a deputation visited the Indian settlement as far westward as the Sandusky river, &; returned by the head waters of the Muskingam. We addressed a communication to the Wyandots on the Great Miami, &; the Delawares on the Sandusky, Subsequently furnished the Delawares with some Tools, &; implements of husbandry. The Pottawattamie &; Miami Nations were visited in 1804, &; an establishment formed on the Wabash River 32 miles south west of Fort Wayne, where the Indians were instucted in Agriculture by Members of our Society employed by the Committee to reside among them for that purpose. This Establishment continued to flourish until 1812 when it was entirely broken up by War &; the Village burnt. In the year 1809. The Shawanese Tribe at Waughpakonatta applied for assistance, they were aided in building a Grist Mill in 1811 &; in 1819, an establishment was formed amongst them for the purpose of instructing them further in the arts of cicilization &; for the education of their children. Two years afterwards friends purchased a farm adjoining the Indian Settlement to which the Establishment was removed, &; the school continued under the care of our Superintendant &; his family with some interruption beyond our Control until the Year 1832; In the school the indian Children of bothe sexes were taught the Elementary branches of a Common Education; The boys were instructed in