Whether it will be advisable for D. E. Knowles to officiate as our agent of your committee we do not pretend to judge, but leave that with him and the Com. to arrange as it may seem best. We may further add that of the esertions of the Q &; M M com- mittees in raising funds for their use in prosecution their under- taking, still are comparing, the same collected with the extent of the under- taking, there appears a deficiency which the liberality of other friends may acceptably fill up. On the part of the M. M Com. Thy Friend Henry Miles. P.S. D.E.K. &; his wife expect to be in New York about the first of next month. H.M. Proposed visit of David E. Knowles &; wife to the Cherokees. NY 11 Mo 16 1839. Esteemed friend, Henry Miles Thy letter of the 9th, inst. addressed to Mahlon Day as clerk of the Indian Committee of N York Y Meeting, has been rec. &; laid before a number of the members of that committee. Who have instructed me to inform thee that the committee has not yet received any money to expend in that Concern &; that they are not prepared to empoly an agent at this time. We understand the Indians west of the Mississippi are in a very unsettled state from various causes, one of which appears to be disagreement among themselves, which has already led to bloodshed, &; it is thought quite doubtful whether our friends would at present be enabled to travel among the Indians with safety or usefulness. Perhaps it may be advisable to pause &; consider whether this is the best time to visit the Indians or not. Thy frd. &;c. H. Hinsdale.