Minute of New York Yearly Meetg. Indians west of Mississippi 1840 At a Meeting of the Committee on the Concern of the Yearly Meeting for the protection of the Indian Tribes located west of the Mississippi, held in New York the 12th of the 6th Mo. 1840 Extracts from the minutes of the Yearly Meeting, were produced and are as follows The Committee on the concern of the Meeting in relation to the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi made the following report The Committee is continued to the service to act in concert with Committees of other Yearly Meetings, which may engage in the Concern and it is authorized to disburse the money raised for this object, agreeable to the purpose for which it was collected and if way open to employ some suitable well qualified agent to reside at the principal central seat of government of the Indians located west of the Mississipi and the Committee on the Epistles was requested to communicate the present state of the Concern in the epistle to the several Yearly Meetings. Sam. L. Mott was at his request released from the appointment Extracted from minutes of said Meeting Samuel Parsons Clerk At a meeting of the Committee on the Concern of the Yearly Meeting for the protection of the Indian Tribes located west of the Mississipi, held in New York the 12th of the 6th Mo 1840 The following minute is contained in the extract of the minutes of the Yearly Meeting On giving careful attention to the views of the Yearly Meeting, as stated in the above minute, it was concluded that it would be expedient to make an appointment to confer with the Committee of the Yearly Meeting of Friends in New England on this interesting subject, and to take into consideration what proceedings should be had in order to carry into effect the views of the two meetings, especially in relation to the appointment of an agent to reside amongst the Tribes for counsel and protection Tothis service the following Friends were appointed Richard Mott, Henry Hinsdale, Samuel Parsons and Extracted from the Minutes of the said Committee