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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Response of New York Committee to N. England's proposition. S. Taylor &; J. D. Lang. New York, 10th mo. 30, 1841. Dear Friend Samuel Boyd Toby Thy acceptable letter of the 15th inst. has been laid before our Committee. Much satisfaction was felt at the prospect of the two Friends named in thy letter being willing to give up to pay a visit to the Indian Tribes located West of the Mississippi, and we trust their benevo- lent intentions will be carried into effect. Our committee desired I would re- ply to thy note, and assure your Committee on this subject of our hearts co-operation, and of our intentions to aid in this matter. They have directed me to correspond with indi- viduals, and to gather all the particulars we can, with the view of making the journey of our dear friends John D. Lang and Samuel Taylor, jr. as easy and pleasant as possible, knowing that such a vast field must be attended with in- conveniences and hardships, to travel over. We hope in due time, to be provided with information that will be of importance to them. To accomplish this more fully one or more Friends ought to visit Washington, during the of the coming winter. Would it suit thee, or some other Friend of your Committee, to join one of ours, to see the proper persons in Washington? With affectionate regard Thy friend Mahlon Day