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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Queries What tribes did you visit? How did you find them as to comfort and progress in civilization? Did you learn of any acts of deceit and oppression in individuals in their dealings to- wards them, either of the whites or of government? Are they civil and kind to strangers? Would they likely receive a visit from Friends kindly? What route or particular road would you recommend to visit tribes you did? What mode of travelling is best? Are there guides to be obtained readily? Would it be best to employ an interpreter? How many miles in a day in the Indian country could a man travel? Providence 1 Mo. 19th. 1842 Dear Friend Mahlon Day The Committee of our Yearly Meeting on the concern of the Indians west of the Mississippi propose meeting at this place at the time of our next quarterly Meeting--two weeks from the present time--say the 2nd or 3 of next month-- either on fourth of fifth day evening. By a letter received yesterday from John D. Lang he informs us of the desire of himself and Samuel Taylor Jr. that something different should now be concluded on--both as to the time of entering upon the service--the necessary steps to be taken previously and many particulars in which our friends would desire advice and assistance--and John proposes that a delegation from the Committee of your Y. Meetg. should meet with us at the time proposed above--and I am requested by such of our Committee as I have been able to consult to write thee and make this proposition; with an expression of our hope that your Committee will be able to comply with it