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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Report respecting Indians in New York, by Thomas Wells. 1848 No. 1 The Oneidas residing in Madison County number about 150 situated on two tracts of land about 3 miles apart, and their whole possessions in land is estimated at one mile square, some eight years since the State Legislature had their lands surveyed and divided into individual portions, giving to each a deed. This division amounted to about 7 1/2 acres to each, men, women &; children. Since that time, most of them have sold their possesions and emigrated to Canada, Green Bay &; other Western locations, joining other tribes, some of those emigrants, mostly aged women not feeling satisfied with their new homes, have returned, &; are now living in old, deserted cabins, &; are in a destitute condition, dependant on their neighbors for a subsistance. The young &; industrious that remain on their reservations are imp- roving their lands, erecting good buildings, planting orchards of choice fruits &; their farms may be estimated from 7 1/2 to 75 Acres. They raise wheat &; other grain, also potatoes &; all kinds of garden vegetables for their own consumption &; source for sale. They have some few houses &; wagons; but their farms are bery bare of stock of all kinds. They have also 6 newly built frame houses of good size, divided into several apartments, the inmates of which live very respectably.