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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


No. 3 Their stock of cattle is estimated at 250, viz. 70 horses, 50 sheep &; a considerable number of hogs; 30 wagons and 17 frame barns &;c. There are 48 families, 14 of them live in comfortable frame houses, and the neatness of some of their buildings, and the improvement around their dwellings are quite respectable, a stranger would not suspect, that he was on an Indian reservation. The furniture in some house is quite costly, and considerable systen is obser- ved in their domestic arrangements, but this is not characteristic of them as a nation. There are 100 children that ought to go to school, but the schooling of their children is much neglected; they have a good school house and a day school in opperation, but not well sustained by the natives. A few Mechanics amongst the young men, but only one follows it as a business. The Methodists have labored among the Oneidas &; Onondagas, with some success; a missionary is employed to labor among the natives of both reservations, and the Pagan party meet once a week for the exercise of what they consider religious worship, which is conducted in some solemnity, and the people are exhorted to observe temperance, honesty and strict integrity in keeping up the traditions of their forefathers. On the Cattaraugus reservation which embraces a tract land about 5 1/2 miles square in Cattaraugus County, there are four rem- nants of tribes besides senecas, which are privaleged to live promiscuously through the nation and enjoy equal privaleges to the soil with any of the nation;