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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Friend John Griscom Please to pay Isaac and H. Rankins on order Two hundred Dollars and charge the same to my account for Indian affairs Acors Rathbun Verona 24th. of 3rd. mo. 1818 Rec. New York 9 mo 24 1817 of John Barrow Thirty Dollars for this sum advanced the Indians Chiefs from Onondaga &; who visited the Com. in New York &;. Adam Mott for James Nelson 9th mo 24th 1817 Richard R Lawrence to Sam. Robbins for boarding an Indian chief from the 19th before dinner to the 23rd before breakfast 3 3/4 days at $1 per day $3.75 John Sky D 1 3/4 days at D. 1.75 Metinas Dennis the Interpreter 1 3/4 days at D. 1.75 washing .75 Rec. payment of John Barrow for Sam. Robbins Harriet A Robbins $8.00 Recieved 12 mo. 23. 1817 of John Barrow Forty Five 23/100 Dollars being amount of Monies expended by me last summer on a/c of the Indian Committee. 49 23/100 Thomas Eddy