Yearly Meeting Indian Concern in acct. with Mahlon Day Treas. By Cash received from Quarterly Meetings $934.50 1840 4 Mo 24 D. To. Cash pd. Postage .25 1842 2 Mo 7 D. To. do -- do 1.69 7 D. To. do M Days Exp to Providence 14.50 6 Mo 18 D. To. Mdze fr Lang &; Taylor 4.50 30 D. To. Cash do 130.00 8 Mo 29 D. To. Mdze do 16.50 29 D. To. Cash do 301.00 9 Mo 1 D. To. do do 61.75 3 D. To. Portage .19 11 Mo 1 D. To. Cash Lang &; Taylor 200.00 1 D. To. Portage .25 1843 4 mo 29 D. To. do .19 730.82 $203.68 125.50 0.29.18 New York 4 Mo 29. 1843. 130 301 200 990 21 The Indian Committee at a meeting held 4th mo 1st, 1844 directed the Treasurer of the Fund raised by the Yearly M. for the benefit of the Indians residing West of the Mississippi to pay out of said fund, the within Bill Mahlon Day, Clerk &; Treasr. 4th mo 1, 1844 Received Thirty five Dollars of the within Bill Mahlon Day Received Thirty five Dollars of the within Bill M. Willis