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New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook


Indian Concern To Mahlon Day &; Co Dr To Printing 5000 Copies Report of Com. 56th 70 token c 40c 50.40 26 grs Paper for Covers 20c 5.20 Doing up 5000 c 40c &;. 20.00 Enveloping 370 c 20c &;. .74 Box Cooperage &; Cartage for 3000 sent to Providence 1.25 $77.59 New York 1 Mo 2 1844. Rec. Payment Mahlon Day Cl. The Tres. is requestd to pay the above Bill. Indian Committe To William F Mott Dr. 1844 11 mo 13-16 Reams of paper $52 0 5% Do. for Cash 2.60 $49 40 Carting 31 $49. 71 Rec. pay't from M Day Tre. Wm. F Mott