so impress’d with it as to cause them to believe it right to give it place. And on closely tending to the concern it so ripened, as to make them willing to lay their prospect before the friends of their monthly meeting, for their sympathy and advise. Tho’ a close trial to their friends to part with them yet upon weighty deliberation they judged it best to leave them at liberty, to persue their religious prospects, as way might open: which on closely attending too they believed it right to prepare for the journey, and was were enabled to give up a good and comfortable home, the society of their friends and near relations to be found in the way of their duty. From the notes she kept of her journey the follow- ing is are extracted. 1805. 5 Month 20th After a time of comfortable quiet wherein we were favoured to feel the overshadowings of Divine regard a number of our friends and near relations being pre- sent we took leave of them in the feeling